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Installation & Configuration
emerge bugzilla webapp-config -I -h www.livois.com -d bugzilla bugzilla 3.2.6
0. Bugzilla has been installed into /var/www/www.livois.com/./bugzilla 1. To finish the installation, please read http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/3.0/html/installing-bugzilla.html You will need to run /var/www/www.livois.com/./bugzilla/checksetup.pl 2. Please read the Release Notes, especially if you are upgrading: http://www.bugzilla.org/releases/3.0/release-notes.html 3. Please note that Apache2 sets AllowOverride None by default. You may have to edit it to process the .htaccess file provided by Bugzilla. Please see http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/core.html#allowoverride for more info
cd /var/www/www.livois.com/bugzilla ./checksetup.pl
<licode file=httpd.conf> <Directory /var/www/www.livois.com/bugzilla>
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi Options +Indexes +ExecCGI DirectoryIndex index.cgi AllowOverride Limit
</Directory> </licode>
Télécharger et dézipper le fichier proposé dans <bugzilla>
© 2010 Christophe de Livois
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