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#0000:00:0b.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): VIA Technologies, Inc. IEEE 1394 Host Controller (rev 46)

gscanbus - test de la connectivite avec la camera


dvgrab - import DV

FFmpeg - utilitaire de compression

It is a complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec, the leading audio/video codec library.

#ffmpeg -i dvgrab-008.avi -f avi -f dv -deinterlace -s 320x240 -b 2048 -acodec mp3 -ab 128 -y 200408-01.avi

mjpegtools - utilitaire de compression

Creating divx

7.9 Creating DIVX Videos

Another way of creating DIVX is the program mencoder which is from the mplayer project. For more information about mencoder please read mencoder/mplayer help and documents. A first and a second pass give at the end of pass hints for bitrate which can be used for encoding to specific size (650 MB, 700 MB and 800 MB). The script uses this information if provided (for short streams it is omitted by mencoder). Look for parameter preferedSize in the script. You can also specify other parameters used for encoding with encoderParam option in the script. For a description of the usable parameters take a look in the mplayer/mencoder manual.
The outputfilename is that name of your input file (first option) but with the extension avi. If the size of file is less then specified by preferedSize it's because the source was of very high quality (no noise) and the specified bitrate was higher than required. You usually get 700MB for 1.5 hour film at half image size with bitrate around 900 that means for divx good quality (assuming good quality source material of course).

The script does a 3 step encoding:

  • 1st step - audio encoding
  • 2nd step - first video pass
  • 3rd step - second video pass

:The mplayer/mencoder documentation deprecates the use of the 3 pass encoding method (it can cause A/V sync problems) and recommends the use of the 2 pass method. The mencoder/mplayer documentation is extensive and has many helpful hints (and a bitrate calculator in the TOOLS/ directory).

:For encoding use the fast ffmpeg (lavc) codec. It gives nice results together with high good performance. For audio encoding mp3 is used. For encoding of all parts it uses unix pipes. This mean that you DO NOT need additional space on your hard drive where all glav manipulations will be done. For audio encoding the script uses a FIFO queue.

:If you want to tweak the script for your own needs, use these hints:

  • Output of 1st step is file called frameno.avi with encoded audio
  • 2nd step is using frameno.avi and output is text file called lavc_stats.txt with timing informations
  • 3rd step is using frameno.avi and lavc_stats.txt for encoding the stream to the output file movie2.avi
  • If you want change only video bitrate, keep the file frameno.avi comment out the 1st step encoding and repeate 2nd and 3rd step. Dont forget to remove the line where the frameno.avi is removed.



Kino est très simple d'utilisation.

Fonctionnement avec pulseaudio

Toutefois, comme l'indique son site, il ne fonctionne pas bien avec pulseaudio (le son et l'image ne sont pas bien synchronisés). Deux solutions sont proposées:

  • Changer /dev/dsp dans les préférences "Audio Device" par quelque chose comme "plughw:0,0" (ou le périphérique PCM du PC)
  • Garder /dev/dsp et lancer kino avec la commande "padsp kino"

Les exports

  • VCD: Autres -> VCD (FFMPEG) bon ratio qualité / taille de fichier 10Mo/mn
  • DVD: MPEG -> DVD (long) 30Mo/mn
  • VOB: Autres -> DVD Dual-pass 45Mo/mn


(anciennement Broadcast 2000 )

Pour debian: <licode file=/etc/apt/sources>

 #deb ./



Encoder un fichier

information about encoding. formats, codecs, standards, vcd, svcd depends on the bitrate/size. at vcd resolution(mpeg-1 ~10 00Kb/sec 540x480) about 1.5 hours. (you can basically fit a movie on a 99-minute(still havn't figured out where to get thes e) CDROM)

After you have your edited movie the next step is to encode it. Encoding is a 3 step process. First you take your output fr om kino and strip out the video and encode it as an MPEG-1 movie:

#lav2yuv -I 1 <avifile> | mpeg2enc -o <outputfile>.m1v

Next you strip out the audio and encode it as MPEG-1 Layer II audio:

#lav2wav <avifile> | mp2enc -V -o <outputfile>.mp2

The last step in the encoding process is to recombine the audio and video into a single mpeg stream. This is done with a mu ltiplexer. Basically it takes the two MPEG movies and interlaces them to allow it to play back as a stream.

#vcdmplex <outputfile>.m1v <outputfile>.mp2 <multiplexedfile>.mpeg

The last thing to do is burn your movie to a cd. But before you can do that you have to prepare the movie(or movies if you have more than one) to be burned. There is a simple utility called mkvcdfs that makes this really easy. You pass it a list of mpegs and it generates a disk image and the acompanyieng table of contents(toc) for use with cdrdao. You run it like thi s:

#mkvcdfs <multiplexedfile>.mpeg [<more mpegs>]...

Now all that left to do is burn it to a cd.


les types de fichiers AVI

AVI files may contain multiple streams. Typically, they include one video and one audio stream. The native DV stream format already includes the audio interleaved into its video stream. A type 1 DV AVI file only includes one DV video stream where the audio must be extracted from the DV video stream. A type 2 DV AVI file includes a separate audio stream in addition to the audio data already interleaved in the DV video stream. Therefore, the type 2 DV AVI file is redundant and consumes more space. Most Linux AVI players and utilities (mplayer, avifile, mjpegtools, transcode, etc.) only understand type 2 DV AVI files. Also, Video for Windows only understands type 2 DV AVIs. Current versions of Windows DirectShow do support type 1 DV, but not all Windows applications consistently support it.

camescope JVC Everio - gestion des fichiers .mod

Ces fichiers, malgré leur extension (quicktime), sont des fichiers mpeg2.

S'il est difficile de les lire, il peut suffire de changer l'extension.

Pour convertir un .mod en .dv:

#ffmpeg -i name_of_file.mod -s pal -r pal -aspect 4:3 -ar 48000 -ac 2 nouveau.dv


#transcode -i MyFilm.MOD -o MyFilm.avi -y xvid -Z 720x576
#ffmpeg -threads 2 -i MyFilm.avi -s pal -r pal -aspect 4:3 -ac 2 -ar 48000 -y MyFilm.dv


© 2007 Christophe de Livois

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