
De wikilivois
Révision datée du 28 mai 2012 à 20:31 par Christophe (discussion | contributions) (1 version)
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Au 12/12/2010, les dernières versions de phpgedview ne sont pas proposées par gentoo. Il est préférable de télécharger la dernière version.

Package Gentoo: phpgedview

#webapp-config -I -h -d phpgedview phpgedview <version>

Créer la base de données mysql:

#mysqladmin create phpgedview -p

Lorsque le safe mode est activé, l'uid du script doit être celui de l'utilisateur qui le lance (en l'occurence apache).

#chown apache:apache /var/www/ -R


Follow the instructions in this section to install PhpGedView if you are already familiar with the program or are familiar with installing other PHP web applications.

1.  Upload the files to your web server.
2.  Set Write permissions on config.php and the "index" directory.  For 
    optimal security, you should move the "index" directory to a location 
    where it is not accessible from the Internet.
3.  Point your browser to the directory where you uploaded your PhpGedView 
    files (for example,
4.  Enter your configuration settings.  If you moved the index directory, 
    be sure to specify the correct location to it on this page.  Save the 
    configuration parameters.
5.  Enter the default administrator user.
6.  Login as this user and upload your GEDCOM file.
7.  Save the GEDCOM configuration settings.
8.  Import the GEDCOM.

Optional Steps

9.  If you want to use the language editing features you will need to set 
    Write permissions for all of the files in the ./languages folder.

10. If you want to upload media files using the Upload Media section of

    the Admin menu then you need to set Write permissions for your ./media 
    and ./media/thumbs directories.

11. If you want to edit your GEDCOM file online, the GEDCOM file must have

    Write permissions set for the PHP user.

12. If you want to use the Backup feature of the Upgrade utility in

    PhpGedView you will need to either set Write permission on the 
    PhpGedView folder itself or create a folder named "backup" with Write 
    permissions.  Write permissions for the PhpGedView folder can be 
    removed as soon as the backup folder is in place and has the 
    appropriate permissions.

13. For security you should set the permissions back to Read-only when you

    are done editing or uploading files.
#chmod a-w config.php 

Mettre à jour un fichier gedcom

When you change your genealogy data outside of PhpGedView, it is not necessary to delete your GEDCOMs from PhpGedView and start over. Follow these steps to update a GEDCOM that has already been imported:

1. The first step is to replace your old GEDCOM on the site with your new

   GEDCOM.  You can do this using FTP, or by going to the "Upload GEDCOM" 
   page and uploading a new GEDCOM with the same filename as the old one.  
   Please remember that file names are case sensitive.

2. Re-import the GEDCOM file by going to

   Admin->Manage GEDCOMs->Import GEDCOM.  The GEDCOM will be validated 
   again before importing.

3. The Import script will detect that the GEDCOM has already been imported

   and will ask if you want to replace the old data.  Click the "Yes" 

4. You will again see the Import statistics and the Import Complete

   message at the bottom of the page when the Import is complete.

If you use a ZIP file to upload the GEDCOM, the only way to do it is by either using the "Upload GEDCOM" option, or the "Add GEDCOM" option. The GEDCOM file in the zipped file has to have exactly the same name as the already existing GEDCOM. This way existing GEDCOM settings will be preserved.

Intégration à DragonflyCMS

  1. Download and install PhpGedView
  2. Make sure it is configured and running correctly on your server.
  3. Upload the contents of this zip file (modules folder) to your servers public directory (htdocs, httpdocs, www, etc., or your CPGNuke directory) and allow it to overwrite when asked. It will not overwrite any files. Alternatively copy the Family_Tree folder into your modules directory
  4. Go to Modules>Family_Tree and open index.php in a text editor, or edit it before uploading.
  5. Edit the config URL to suit the page PhpGedView displays in your browser address bar and save the changes.
  6. Open your web browser, go to your CPGNuke Admin menu then go to Modules. Install and configure user access for the Family Tree module
  7. Still in admin, open your CPG Main Menu and set the menu position for your new Family Tree module.


© 2007-2010 Christophe de Livois

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