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De wikilivois
Révision datée du 8 mai 2006 à 19:19 par Christophe (discussion | contributions)
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Gestions d'utilisateurs


http://jamm.sourceforge.net - projet qui évolue peu.

Packages Gentoo: tomcat, struts , xdoclet, checkstyle

Pour choisir le port sur de connexion tomcat, il faut éditer /etc/tomcat5/server.xml

Remarque: pour la gentoo, struts est un packet masqué.
$ACCEPTKEYWORDS="~x86" emerge struts

19/09/04: il faut réemerger regexp après l'installation de tomcat
récupérer cryptix32 sur www.cryptix.org (et non pas cryptix-jce-bin) (non nécessaire pour la version 0.9.7)
copier les .jar de jakarta dans un répertoire:
$cp /usr/share/commons*/lib/*.jar /usr/share/commons/lib/

Editer build.properties

Editer build.xml

Par exemple, en incluant les bibliothèques jar de jakarta dans path.lib <fileset dir="/usr/share/commons/lib/" includes="*.jar"/>

Compiler le jamm.war :

#ant dist

Remarque: au 22/09, la compilation sur gentoo produit un jamm.war qui ne fonctionne pas. Que ce soit la version 0.9.6 ou 0.9.7-rc1. On peut aussi récupérer la version binaire.

Déposer jamm-0.9.6.war dans /opt/tomcat5/webapps/

#mkdir jamm
#cd jamm
#jar -xf ../jamm-0.9.6.war
#cd jamm.properties.dist jamm.properties

Editer jamm.properties

Aller sur

Remarque: au 22/09/04 – une page d'erreur apparaît au moment de l'authentification


http://imc.sourceforge.net/samba-console.html (cf document LDAP)

LAM - LDAP account Manager

http://lam.sourceforge.net/ (cf document LDAP)



Interface d'administration des comptes utilisateurs dans le cas ou Postfix est configuré avec mysql.

Extrait du site: « Postfix Admin is a Web Based Management tool created for Postfix.
It is a PHP based application that handles Postfix Style Virtual Domains and Users that are stored in MySQL.

Postfix Admin supports:

  • Virtual Mailboxes / Virtual Aliases / Forwarders.
  • Domain to Domain forwarding / Catch-All.
  • Vacation (auto-response) for Virtual Mailboxes.
  • Quota / Alias & Mailbox limits per domain.
  • Backup MX.
  • Packaged with over 25 languages... (Thank you all for sending them!) »





Tequila est une interface web de gestion de comptes utilisateurs. Le serveur web est intégré.

The Tequila programs are written in Perl and are running under the control of a standalone server process, which handles the communication with the client's browser (completely SSL encrypted and transparently GZip-compressed).

Currently, Tequila supports three kinds of mailserver software combinations:

  • Postfix & Vm-pop3d (supported by Tequila 2.0.x)
  • Postfix & Cyrus-IMAP/SASL (supported by Tequila 2.1.x)
  • Postfix & Courier-IMAP & OpenLDAP (supported by Tequila 2.1.x)

With Tequila you are generally able to:

  • Create, edit and remove virtual mail domains.
  • Create/edit/remove mail accounts (POP3 and IMAP).
  • Create/edit/remove aliases to mail accounts and mail distribution lists.
  • Delegate your virtual domain administration to different domain admins.
  • Restrict these local domain admins to operate within their own domains only.
  • Let your mail users configure their mail forwarding and auto responding within a vacation period.
  • These vacation / forwarding services will be activated / deactivated automatically, depending on the dates of absence entered by the user (or kept permanently on; just as the user likes it).
  • Let your mail users change their account passwords themselves.
  • Each user is allowed to choose the language, Tequila talks to him, from the list of available languages.
  • Define separate languages for the use by Tequila's Admin, Domain Admins and Users.
  • Translate Tequila's messages into your native language for your users/admins without the need to be a programmer (do this job online under Tequila's web frontend in the Tequila Admin module).
  • Keep SASL accounts/passwords in sync with the Tequila accounts (SASL version 2).
  • Create special mail accounts with arbitrary embedded backend scripts. Tequila comes with a script called "detachmail", which can split off specified attachments by name and transfer the recoded files to a ftp server (this includes auto replying status mails to the sender and to a circle of ftp server admins).

Plugins Squirrelmail

Email Footer Automatically appends footer to SquirrelMail-generated emails.
Virtual Host Login Makes virtual hosting a possibility, automatically.
Metea Weather forecasts detailed for France, all map are supported.


© 2006 Christophe de Livois

Tête de GNU Vous avez l'autorisation de copier, distribuer et/ou modifier ce document suivant les termes de la GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 ou n'importe quelle version ultérieure publiée par la Free Software Foundation; sans section invariante, sans page de garde, sans entête et sans page finale. Pour plus d'informations consulter le site de l'APRIL.